Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Little Butterfly


but never invincible

sounds so cliché

so un-amazing

...like me


harsh words

harsher glares

all beat me down

i fall down the stairs

i can't get back up

cuz i can't stop rolling

down and down

and down and down

these spiral stairs

that go nowhere

but go forever

while everyone stares

sitting here alone, again

closing my eyes as i count to ten

breathing backwards...

or so it seems when you're crying

hurt many times, but i'm still not dying

it's kind of like a little butterfly

after it's been mistaken for some nasty creature

and the attempted assassination hurt all its pretty features

and the face of death smacked the surface it had just touched

while others flutter about in the sunshine of may

and this poor little butterfly is stuck in your home all day

sucks, right?

poor little butterfly, stuck in a rut

poor little butterfly, stuck in a hut

poor little butterfly, far from roaming free

poor little butterfly, poor little me.

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