Monday, September 21, 2009


I can't think about anything else
While you think about everything else
Do you really wonder what goes on in my mind?
Or is asking just one of your signature lines?
I wonder how your mind works and it makes me anxious
Funny how you used to say the same thing
Roles always switch
My eyes sometimes twitch
Sometimes I seem like a...sigh
But put yourself in my uncomfortable shoes
And remember that once that used to be you
Sometimes, lies turn out to be true
Like how I told myself I wouldn't,
And I'd figured that I couldn't
But it just so turns out I do.
Sometimes I may overreact
But I cannot help it when you're the one performing the act
I'm always told to open up
But when I finally do, I'm interrupted
Constantly interrupted
And then I'm asked how I feel
Well, I--
Don't wanna waste my time.