Thursday, August 27, 2009
I confuse myself sometimes
That kinda thing pisses me off
I never know what's going on
Sporadic thoughts just embrace my head
I get lost when I think ahead
I don't know what the future holds
What does that even mean?
Am I supposed to know?
Sporadic thoughts triggering this lead
I don't know what I'm writing
I just hold the pen
Sometimes I chew on the cap
Sometimes I go tap! tap!
Sometimes I drop the pen or pencil
Sometimes I drop a thought on a piece of paper
And forget it's there
When I pick it up, I shed a tear
Aveces, yo siento frio
Is it just me, or is it cold in here?
I'm not cold, I'm hot
I'm not old, I'm a tot
I wanna save the world from self-destruction
But too many people are subconsciously suicidal
"I f*cking hate my life"
A pen and paper can't save lives.
Well, maybe it can
At least...this one time.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Raining Inside and Out
It's like when you're in bed hidden under your covers and you're sniffling and your eyes get watery and you try really hard not to cry because you share a room with a sibling and if they were to know that you're crying it'd be more embarrassing than the reason why you're crying in the first place so you try to stay as quiet and as still as possible under the shield created by your covers but you really can't control it any longer so the tears just well up and start to creep sideways off of your cheeks and onto your pillow and you sniffle even louder than before and this time the sound of the sniffle implies that watery mucus has made its way through your nasal passageways and into your nostrils as is the case when one is crying but you still attempt to control it by not sniffling but all the mucus builds up in your nostrils and unless you sniffle it will be all over your pillow flirting with the salty tears which have also fallen off your face and you try to think happy thoughts but everything somehow relates back to the reason for which you are crying and you sniffle again slowly as if that makes it quieter but your sibling hears you and asks if you are crying and you simply reply with an uhn-uh and they either believe you and go back to sleep or they don’t believe you and look towards you for a few seconds then go back to sleep and you just lie still trying not to sniffle anymore until eventually you get a headache from all the emotional-turned-physical stress and you let a few last tears out and fall asleep and when you wake up in the morning you stay in bed quiet with your head fully uncovered and as if nothing had ever happened. Love, of any kind, is like that.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
So Describes Me...
my romance flower is a gardenia Do you have a hard time talking to your sweetie about your feelings? Do you get tongue-tied around your crush? If so, your flower is the gardenia. Read more... What kind of flower symbolizes your romance? |